Sunday 11 January 2015

monday 5th tilll thursday 8

This is what we did last week in music i managed to complete the 5 and 6 

Part five

Part 6

The part five i thought was alittle easy when i first saw it and played it but then when i played it to my friends they told me i was completely wrong and they taught me how to play it.It was very slow and then after it sped up alittle too much.The pitchwas a bit correct but there wer a few mistakes, but at the rythm i dont think i did that well and there were different lenghts in each sound that i didint get correct but for part six am not even sure i got it right.


  1. P5 - This is very slow & then speeds up a lot. The pitch is generally correct with only a few slips in there. The rhythm needs much more work though. You need to show the difference in length of each sound.
    P6 - This is still a work in progress. Your reflection, had you done one, would have informed me whereabouts you thought you were in completing this theme, any problems you were having & how I could best help you... Please start to add & complete your reflections.
    When you record your next video can you make sure the recorder is sat on the speaker, or that you video your fingers to help me decipher what I am hearing. Also, you need to label your recordings more clearly & follow them up with a reflection!

  2. Your completed project should have been posted before we broke up for half term. Please make sure it is posted in the first couple of days back!
