Sunday 22 February 2015


                                                  Our project

For this project i worked with Mariam and for the first week we  couldnt do anything because the computer didnt have a students account so we could not acess the files for year 8 so we kept putting it on USB and we also had to get used to mixcraft we also couldnt get the ground bass done because it kept on messing up and as i said we werent that good with mixcraft and we also made the biggest mistake of our lifes because we didnt understand that we had to do everything in different colums we ended up doing everything in one line and we were almost finished and this was halfway through the unit when our patner who was sitting beside us said we were doing the wrong thing all along so we had to start all over again and then we had pshe's and trips and holidays so we didnt get time to do it. Then miss Cross told us she was going to give us days to come to the music room to complete our work and we finally completed our project. Although in this project we have failed to add instruments on top all we had was piano, we wanted to make it but we decided to post it this way so we atleast have some work to show miss Cross. 


  1. You haven't edited this Ameenah. The sounds are still all piano. The parts are all going at different tempos/speeds and therefore don't line up properly. There are some pitch errors in some parts as well as rhythm errors. The structure isn't clear because nothing lines up & all the sounds are the same. There is no reflection with this video post... Your rhythm is also not correct. You must learn to play with a metronome and know how long each note should last. This is very important. Please use some music notation theory websites to develop your knowledge about pitch & note values. You didn't follow the pitch rule... Notes that rise up the stave/page go to the right on the keyboard (2 x R's together), notes that go lower down the stave/page g to the left on the keyboard. (2 x L's together). There is still a lot of work to do here Ameenah. How did you manage to keep doing it wrong? We discussed in class, several times, that each part had to have its own track due to the editing process. You must make sure you listen to ALL instructions. Can I suggest that in future you create a word document titled help guide, so that you can make a note of all the steps you need to remember. This has worked well for my year 7's. You were right to post something, even if you are not totally happy with it. I now have something to mark.

  2. Criteria A: Knowledge & Understanding: 2
    Criteria B: Developing Skills: 2
    Criteria C: Thinking Creatively: 2
    Criteria D: Responding: 3
    MYP Level: 2
